Robotics And Its Applications

Rafael Oliveira Robotics And Its Applications

In engineering, there is a branch called Robotics that conceptualizes, designs, manufactures, and operates robots.

According to an entrepreneur from Brazil, Rafael Oliveira Bitcoin, robotics is a field that has created many innovative technologies. Rafael is an investor and cryptocurrency trading expert who teaches and advises people about crypto trading.

Robotics in Brief

Robotics is anything related to robots, while robots come from the word ‘Robotics.’ The word ‘Robot’ has been used since 1920 by those not even in the science fields, like writers. However, Isaac Asimov was the first author to be named.

The main reason why robotics as a field exists is to build intelligent machines to help humanity. It will also help to facilitate many difficult or dangerous tasks humans can’t handle. “Robotics isn’t only about the use of robots in the form of humans,” says Rafael Oliveira. It can also be created to resemble robotic applications and automated digital tools. These apps and tools simulate human and software engagement, whereby a human uses software to carry out tasks repetitively.

A Little History of Robotics

History of Robotics

Even though robotics underwent radical changes in the 20th century, one can’t forget its history. In the present era, research on the functions and uses of robots has increased exponentially. But this is all thanks to the development of robots in the 1900s.

Why Writer Asimov’s Words Were Important

Asimov wrote a story where he made three principles and suggestions to guide intelligent machines and how autonomous machines behave. To this day, his three principles turned into laws that are still in use.

They Are:

  • Without breaking any rules, robots must protect themselves.
  • They have to adhere to the instructions given by humans without harming humans. This is a very important rule, but unfortunately, in today’s world, some people use robots to harm humans.
  • Under no circumstances must a robot harm a human. Rafael Oliveira Bitcoin especially agrees with this rule.

The First Programmable Robot

Unimate, the first programmable robot, was created years later, precisely in 1967. This robot was designed according to the previous designs made in the 50s. Its creators made it to help humans carry hit metals from a machine used to die-cast.

Uses of Robots

There are different types of robots, namely, educational robots, industrial robots, commercial robots, and many more. All these are used to carry out the same tasks over and over again. They can sometimes be in a conventional humanoid robot form, exoskeleton, or arm form. Warehouses and manufacturing industries use industrial robots and robotic arms the most.

How do They Function?

Robots creators combine the following to make a robot:

  • Algorithms and Programming
  • Control systems: allows the robots to be perspective, process information, and take action.
  • Some automation tools and techniques
  • Sensors (real-time)
  • Actuators
  • A manipulator that is controlled remotely.

Below Are the Applications of Robots

  • The aerospace sector uses robots.
  • The data science field uses robots and robotics
  • Robotics is used in the healthcare, bioengineering, and medical sectors.
  • The military and law enforcement agencies make use of robotic systems.
  • It is an important technology in AI
  • The mechanical engineering industry uses robots.
  • To produce electronics and appliances used at home.
  • It is used in Mechatronics
  • The Nanotechnology sector makes use of robotics.
  • Last but not least, astronauts and astronomers use robots/robotics in their fields.

Robotics and Machine Learning

Robotics and Machine Learning

These two fields are complementary fields that go hand in hand. Rafael Oliveira Bitcoin stated that the combination of the two is called robotic learning. Robotic learning is when you use machine learning algorithms to study the methods that equip a robot with new skills.

How do Robots Learn?

Human operators can guide a robot, or the robots can self-explore to learn. To do so, the robot accumulates facts via sensors or when humans program the information inside it. The robot has a processing unit that will then compare the data already stored inside it with the new information. Then it will use the stored data to determine the best step to take. Nevertheless, a robot can only perform the tasks it was given to do, as it lacks emotional intelligence. It cannot also think analytically.

Advantages of Robots

Several big firms, organizations, and sectors covet robotic systems, especially highly advanced robots. They want them to help them ensure people are safer, lower operational costs, improve accuracy, and so on.

Out of all these benefits, the most important is ensuring human safety. This is because the world is full of unhealthy and dangerous places and things that humans can’t reach. However, it is possible to explore these places with the use of robots. For instance, machine maintenance, the defense or military sector, the space sector, and the nuclear field.

Other Benefits

  • Employees working in dangerous fields can avoid exposure to harmful chemicals with the help of robotics.
  • Robots also help them to reduce risks associated with their physical, social, and mental health while on the job.
  • They can alert the workers if danger is looming ahead or right on the way.


Finally, although robots have many advantages, it also has their disadvantages. According to Rafael Oliveira Bitcoin, robots have taken over certain jobs meant for humans. As a result, the robots do a poor job of carrying out their tasks. Some of these jobs need human adaptability and emotions, critical thinking skills, and creativity. This is something a robot cannot deliver, no matter how intelligent it is.