6 Ways to Transform Your Home into a Wellness Haven

home wellness

Well-being in a home is well-being in the relationships of the people who live there. 

Anyone of any gender will agree that a wellness home is a place where you are safe. Where nothing threatens your health. Here you can take a break from work and worries and gain energy. Here you can be alone with yourself and meet friends. This is a home where it is good for those you love. What needs to be done to achieve harmony?

Soften paints

Paint the walls in pastel colours: pale lilac, all shades of white and beige, muted light brown, cream, and pink.

Choose non-toxic paints. Many dyes contain volatile substances that can cause unpleasant odors. They can poison rooms for years.

If you add essential oil to the paint before painting, the bedroom will be filled with a nice scent. Use lemon, vanilla, orange, clove or sandalwood.

Get rid of the chaos

Getting enough sleep requires a clean, open space.

Take a close look at the things in the room, and if you don’t use some for several years, get rid of them without regret.

Book lovers love keeping their favorite novels in their bedrooms. But, multivolume editions create a depressing atmosphere. Keep one or two books close at hand, and let the rest stand on the shelf.

Don’t put things too close to each other. Leave some space: this will enlarge the room and, open the way for new things in your life.

The bed

Replace the old cotton or wool pillows with a new ones. – with a comfortable, hygienic, and hypoallergenic synthetic filling. Pillows made of wool bring extra suffering to people with allergies. Modern pillows are inaccessible to mites, which most often cause allergies.

When it comes to a mattress, choose the one from natural cotton, wool, and rubber.

Avoid bedding made from synthetic fabrics. Give preference to light green and blue colours.

Scented detergents and fabric softeners can be hazardous to your health. Using these products every week means sleeping with chemicals.

At least occasionally wash your laundry the old fashioned way – with baking soda or vinegar. Choose odorless detergents.

Add beauty

Decorate the walls with photos of your loved ones – they carry positive energy. You don’t need to turn the bedroom into a photo gallery – one shot is enough.

Avoid harsh colors and chaotic patterns on the walls. If you don’t like something, it doesn’t belong in the bedroom, even if it’s an outstanding piece of art.

Turn down lighting

Melatonin, a sleep hormone, is sensitive to light and darkness.

Use on the windows thin cotton curtains. A great choice is good quality honeycomb blinds. At dawn, get up and open them.

These simple steps will help you live in the same rhythm with nature. 

An important point in the design is the lamps. They create a cozy atmosphere.

Remember to install dimming switches or take care of nightlights and sconces. 

Ecology in the house

Radiation. Radon. Sources – walls of houses made of concrete, granite, brick, plumbing, tiles, drywall.

Pathogenic bacteria (Aspergillus, Legionella) multiply during air conditioning. It loves conditions of high humidity and ineffective ventilation. Most dangerous for children.

Asbestos is used in the manufacture of insulating and fire-resistant materials. It is used in ceiling tiles, flooring, seals, mastics, slate, tiles. Asbestos-containing dust causes allergies, leads to cancer of the respiratory tract.

Water. Main pollutants: increased hardness, heavy metals, organic matter, bacteria. Sources of pollution: disruption to the operation of the drainage network. Household filters, industrial wastewater (for wells).

Mold fungi multiply in places of high humidity, ineffective ventilation, and poor-quality cleaning. In high concentrations can cause chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases.

Phenol, formaldehyde and ammonia are part of polymeric materials, as well as fiberboards. They cause fatigue, headache, decreased immunity, exacerbation of allergies, etc. 

Formaldehyde is a carcinogen.

Noise worsens the conditions and quality of life. It increases morbidity and causes unwanted mental and physiological reactions.

Electromagnetic disharmony leads to disturbances in the nervous, immune, endocrine, reproductive systems. Electrical wiring, switchboards, transformers, and any electrical appliance form household electrosmog.

Aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, butanol, xylenes, etc.) are TOXIC. They are part of paints, varnishes, organic solvents, mastics, etc.

Oxides of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Sources: vehicles, industrial enterprises.


It is not surprising that the concept of wellness is increasingly used in various aspects of our life. The home, where we spend a lot of time, is no exception. Wellness means health and happiness. Use these tips and transform your home into wellness heaven.