What should be done in seizures


What should be done in seizures

Epilepsy is a common brain condition that causes unprovoked seizures. While 1 in 26 people will develop epilepsy at some point in their lifetime, 1 out of 10 will have seizures over a lifetime. This means at one point in time, you might need to help someone with a seizure problem. Although seeing someone with epilepsy having a seizure can be terrifying but staying calm amidst it all can go a long way in helping out the patient. Most of the seizure doesn’t require an emergency, and there are simple things you can do to help protect the patients until the seizures stop. 

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How can you identify a person with a seizure?

Some symptoms can be milder and can last within a minute or two. However, general symptoms that show a person is having a seizure may include:

  • A person may become unconscious and blackout totally
  • They will neither reply if you talk to them nor will they react if you touch them. 
  • Muscles become contracted and the person has uncontrollable muscle spasms.
  • Drooling appears at the mouth
  • Then, there are convulsions, which is a series of jerking movements. 
  • Sometimes they make unusual noises. 
  • Jerking finally stops after a while but there might still be a loss of sensation, fatigue, and weakness. 

What can you do to help?

  • Clear the area of anything like glass, furniture, and any other thing that can injure the person. Take them away from things that pose danger like stairs, slopy areas, water, or traffic.
  • Place them on their side, provide cushioning for the head to promote proper breathing
  • Loosen the shirt, ties, or anything around  the neck that may make breathing difficult
  • Time the seizure as soon as it starts if possible. 

What you CANNOT do to help?

  • Never attempt to put anything into the mouth of the person as they cannot swallow their tongue during a seizure. Doing so might cause harm to their teeth or they might end up biting you. 
  • While jerking, do not try to stop the movement or hold the person down.
  • People with seizures will eventually start breathing on their own. Hence, do not try to give mouth-to-mouth CPR breaths. 
  • Do not leave the person after the seizure, but rather stay with them and reassure them as they might still feel confused. 
  • Stay calm through it all. Remember, it’s not something to be too worried about even if it appears like it. 

When should you call 911?

Only call 911 when:

  • The seizure lasts for more than 5 minutes
  • It’s the first time the person is having a seizure
  • The person suffers injury in the process
  • The person is unable to breathe properly after convulsions and jerking.
  • The person experiences another seizure immediately after the first one. 
  • The seizure happens to someone pregnant
  • You are aware of other medical conditions such as diabetes, heart diseases the person might be having.