What Is The Tooth Numbering System?

tooth numbering

The tooth numbering system used in dentistry can be very confusing and difficult to understand at first glance. Here, we’ll break down the system into its core parts so you can start to understand what each number represents and how it helps you make sense of dental work done to your teeth. Let’s get started!

What Is A Dental Tooth Number Chart?

Dental dentists have a specific system for teeth by a number that is in place to help them communicate with other medical professionals. The tooth numbering system was developed by an American dentist named Carl Gaertner and is known as American Standard dental nomenclature. This system was later adopted by other countries because it’s effective, efficient, and relatively easy to learn. In fact, dentists are required to be familiar with how Gaertner’s tooth numbering works in many countries.

How Are Teeth Numbered?

If you can remember high school biology, you already know that teeth are numbered starting at one. If not, here’s a quick refresher: Teeth are numbered by their location in your mouth—with No. 1 being right in front and No. 32 being far back on your molars (there are also premolars, but we’ll stick to talking about numbers of actual teeth). From there, they continue to be labeled moving counterclockwise around your mouth until you get to 32. In other words, if you have a total of 32 teeth (as is standard for most people), then Nos. 33 through 64 aren’t real—instead, they’re just labels for how many times tooth No.

What Are Wisdom Teeth Numbers?

Many people believe that wisdom teeth aren’t numbered; however, they are indeed given a number. It’s true that there is no wisdom tooth #7 since there are four sets of molars instead of five (for those who haven’t yet had their wisdom teeth removed, at least). In general, wisdom teeth fall in one of two places: First, you have your two lower wisdom teeth on either side of your third molars (aka wisdom teeth). Then, there is an upper set of wisdom teeth. These generally appear in front of your molars and can cause a whole lot more problems than their lower counterparts.

What Are The Different Types Of Tooth Numbering Systems?

As previously mentioned, there are two types of tooth numbering systems. One is used for permanent teeth (permanent = adult) and one is used for primary teeth (primary = baby). The permanent teeth system has a total of 32 teeth, which includes 20 deciduous (baby) teeth and 12 permanent ones. In case you’re wondering why they are called deciduous or baby teeth, it’s because they fall out or are lost in favor of their permanent counterparts as we grow older.

What Are Teeth Numbers And Names?

Teeth numbers and names: When you’re at your dentist’s office, or when you look into your mouth in a mirror, chances are you see tooth numbers written on your teeth. That’s because most dentists number teeth for easy identification. But what does that actually mean? Tooth numbers are nothing more than a method of communication between dentists and their patients. It makes it much easier to locate specific teeth during an exam or procedure. There are many numbering systems out there and they can vary slightly from one dentist to another. Just so you know, standard American dental nomenclature is as follows: • Upper Right #1 – Upper Left #16 • Lower Right #17 – Lower Left #32 If you want to know which tooth is which or how many there are in total check out our chart below!

Universal Tooth Numbering System

This universal numbering system works for all teeth in both jaws. The top set of teeth is known as upper teeth, and the bottom teeth are known as lower teeth. On upper teeth, lateral incisors (the two small front teeth) have numbers 1 and 2, and cuspids (the large fang-like tooth) have numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. On lower teeth, lateral incisors have numbers 8 and 9 and cuspids 10 through 16. Canines (the fang-like tooth between your central incisor/two front baby teeth) are 17 to 19 on both top and bottom.

Palmer Notation Numbering System

Palmer notation is a way of writing down oral and maxillofacial information that makes it easy to record in writing while also making it very easy to understand. The Palmer notation numbering system includes upper and lower tooth charts with numbers as well as teeth name charts, allowing you to put all of your dental records on paper in an easy-to-read format.

Federation Dentaire Internationale Numbering System

There are several tooth numbering systems around today, but they all originate from an international convention that was created back in 1924. This system is still used today and it’s called the Federation Dentaire Internationale Numbering System (FDIF). I’ll also refer to it as FDI throughout my descriptions below. In FDI, teeth are numbered in ascending order from left to right, starting with #1 on your upper left central incisor (your front tooth). Every row of teeth gets a new number so that when you get back to your second upper left central incisor (the one next to your front tooth), you move on to #2.

Baby Teeth Eruption Chart

Although it may seem like baby teeth don’t have numbers on them, they actually do! In fact, every tooth has a number associated with it. So what is that number and why does it matter? Here are all of your questions answered.

Permanent Teeth Eruption Chart

Numbered tooth charts are charts used to describe teeth eruption and replacement in humans. This system is based on anatomical position (according to hominid evolution), while some other numbering systems may be based on time of appearance or time of birth. Numbering systems give general information about erupted teeth, the absence or presence of root structure, malposition or displacement of a tooth, and space available for incoming teeth. These numbers do not give any estimation regarding when the eruption will begin or end; that is a matter for orthodontics.[1]