Laser Skin Treatments: Benefits, Safety, Cost and Procedure.

Laser treatments

Laser treatments have been popular for over a decade now and many questions have been arising if this treatment really works. For many, it seems like a magic treatment that is known to diminish even the most deepened scars.

So, here’s an overview of what Laser treatment is, how it works, what can be treated, cost if this is safe or not and what are the common side effects.

What are the common Laser treatments?

Laser Skin Resurfacing:

if you’re looking for youthful skin and minimize aging signs then Laser resurfacing is your answer. It eliminates wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, crow’s feet, uneven skin tone, enlarged oil glands and tightens your skin to make it look younger. Laser Skin Resurfacing is known as one treatment treats all.

It reduces acne spots and scars to an extensive amount as well.


The cost of Laser Resurfacing in Pakistan ranges from 6000 to 10000 per session.

Laser Acne/Acne scars Treatment:

Laser Acne treatment gives better results than topical medications. Dr. Nasim – Dermatologist in Lahore recommends Laser Treatment for Acne Scarring as the marks are deeper and can’t be vanished completely with peel-off masks.

Acne scar treatment is effective and gives actual results.


The cost of Laser Acne treatment ranges from 8000 to 10000.

Laser Scar Treatment:

A laser is used to treat any kind of scars of skin that includes Burn scars, Injury scars, and Surgical scars. Doctors use injectable alongside Lasers to make the scars less noticeable because the deepened scars don’t completely vanish from the surface.

Laser Skin Rejuvenation:

Laser skin rejuvenation also is known as skin resurfacing procedure uses a laser to improve the appearance and texture of the skin. This treatment is commonly for

  1. Sun-damaged skin
  2. Scars from acne
  3. Chickenpox spots
  4. Injury spots
  5. Fine lines
  6. Wrinkles

It is mostly used to treat facial flaws. If you don’t like something about your features, you can change them with Skin

Laser Hair Removal:

Laser Hair Removal is a cost-effective method for Hair reduction. The major benefit of this is permanent hair removal which is sometimes not all true depending on the skin type and hair type. Lighter brown hair is most suitable for this method as the results are permanent and it only takes a few sessions to completely eliminate hair from the body. While darker and thick hair, on the other hand, need more sessions to get rid of hair and they might as well appear after a year or so. But still, the re-growth is very light, so it’s still a win-win in every hair type.


Laser hair removal cost ranges from 6000 to 10000 per session. It might seem too much but in the long run, it still is cost-effective as it saves you from weekly waxing costs.

How does Laser work?

Laser Procedure uses a beam of light to penetrate the outer layer of the skin to generate new skin. The ideology is to remove dead skin cells and regenerate new ones that bring out the new skin. The new skin, therefore, is much more even-toned, scar free and youthful. Since the skin cells are renewed just like when we are young, wrinkles fine lines and age spots don’t appear on the new skin. 

It can be done with two types of lasers:

An ablative laser that targets removing thin layers of skin.

A non-ablative laser is for stimulating collagen growth that tightens the skin underneath.

Are Laser Treatments Safe?

Laser treatments are generally safe if the procedure performed by a certified dermatologist. The risks like the burning of skin, redness and skin infection associated with Laser treatments are very rare and happen on skin types not suitable for the procedure.

A good dermatologist will guide you if your skin is suitable for the procedure or not. Take follow up sessions for good care after the treatment as the skin is very sensitive, especially to heat for at least a month. Avoid makeup for at least a week for the best results and to prevent itchiness and redness of the skin. It is advised to find a professional and experienced skin specialist very carefully before longing for a Laser procedure.