Presenting Your Presentation for Proposal Defence – 6 Best Ways

Presenting Your Presentation for Proposal Defence

After days of hectic work and struggles, you are finally successful in drafting your dissertation proposal. Now, the moment to wrap up the things is finally here, i.e., presenting your presentation for proposal defence. The proposal defence is important to present because it is when the research committee approves of your topic and allows you to continue your proposed research project. If you fail the presentation, know that you fail to get the degree.

A presentation for proposal defence requires a lot of prior preparation and techniques to follow. It is not something that you can craft and prepare overnight. Students who do so face severe failure in their proposal defence. Therefore, in today’s post, I am going to unpack the 6 best ways to present your proposal defence well. So, let’s get to the topic straightaway and start discussing all the 6 best ways.

 Presentation For Proposal Defence

To start working on your actual research project, you are likely required to create a stunning proposal defence dissertation. As a student presenter, you give this presentation in the presence of two or more professors who form a panel. It does not mean that only your professors could be part of the panel. Nowadays, many universities call professionals outside the academic world to assess the students’ proposed projects. Hence, a brief description of the 6 best ways to impress external professionals is as follows;

1. Create the Title Slide

First things first, you should create the title slide of your presentation first. What does the title slide mean? It means the slide which contains your research title and the information about the presenter, like your name and registration number. The name of your course and institution depends on the requirement. If there is any requirement of including these names, include them; otherwise, skip them.

2. The Introduction to the Research

While presenting your presentation for proposal defence, the second slide that you need to include in your presentation is the introduction slide. This slide explains the background of your research problem briefly and introduces the key terms and concepts to the audience. The introduction also highlights the importance of your research by giving its historical background. In addition, it addresses any research objection that applies to your research problem.

3. Mention the Importance of the Research Study

A proposal is all about convincing the research committee that your research project is viable and has enough support from the literature. In the next two to three slides, mention the importance of your proposed research study and explain to the research committee how it solves a problem and makes human life easier. While explaining the importance, you can also mention the reasons that have led you to adopt this topic. It will strengthen your case.

4. Mention the Research Gap

When doing a literature review, you must have identified the research gap present in your subject area. The research gap is the area in a research field that is still unexplored. As a result, you intend to explore that area and base your research on it. So, after the introduction of your proposed research project, it is important to mention the gap which you propose to address. Back the gap with the literature you have explored. If you are unable to find the gap present within the current literature, do not forget to take a dissertation proposal help online.

5. Explain How you Intend to Research the Problem

Next up in your presentation for proposal defense is to explain how you intend to research the problem. It means you must explain the intended research design and methodology. Explain the procedures of all the research methods you intend to use to collect the data and analyze the collected data. In the methodology section, make sure that you justify the use of particular research methods properly and leave no room for objection by the panel members.

6. Budgetary Requirements and Project Timeline

If your proposal is intended to get a grant or funding from a funding agency, the budget of research and project timeline become necessary. The initial budget in the presentation for proposal defense explains all the direct and indirect expenses related to your proposed project. It gives an initial overview of the research cost. However, the project timeline explains how much time the proposed research is going to take. To explain the project timeline in your presentation, make use of a Gantt chart. This chart explains each research process very well.


Presenting the presentation for a proposal defense is not an easy task, especially in front of professionals and professors. In order to leave no room for cross-questioning, follow the presentation style mentioned above. Always start with the title and introduction and end with the budget and project timeline. This format explains each thing to the professors. Thus, it does not let them question your proposal.


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