6 Ecommerce Business Ideas 2021

Ecommerce Business Ideas

According to Shamir Kumar Nandy, in the year 2021, there has been a second shift in digital entrepreneurship with the exact new phenomenon, and the popularity was all the more impressive. Based on the various Google trends, there has been an online interest in the side hustle that has steadily grown since 2016. However, things have reached heights close to the year 2020. Ever since there has been an increase in the customers’ appetite in matters of online shopping and it implies the best opportunity for the Ecommerce business.

However, getting ahead in the competition is tough, and here you have the six basic Ecommerce ideas shared by Shamir Kumar Nandy to get through.

1. Selling Nutrition and Diet Books

You can start with an online business based on books on diet and nutrition says Shamir Kumar Nandy. In the past few months, the interest of consumers has increased in maintaining health and physiological well-being. On reading the books they will get to know what to eat and how to survive. This will help to increase the sales of the books.

2. Online Selling of Natural Toys and Treats

Online you can set to sell natural pet toys and treats. There has been a new craze towards these items made of unusual and clean ingredients. The toys are mostly made of BPA-free plastic and unbleached cotton. However, one cannot deny the online demand for such stuff. Ecommerce platforms are the best place for selling Toys and treats.

3. The Market for Acrylic Nail art

Now is the trend for acrylic nail art. It is all about acrylic and fake nail treatments. For this, you should have a kit including the UV fans and lights. Assorting all essentialities you can well start on with the creative selling online.

4. Online Bath Mat Selling

Most people have spent the year 2020 most decoratively. This has paved way for decorative and appealing bath mats. You can buy them online and use them before the bathrooms and kitchen areas to make the interior look neat and bright. “Designer handmade bath mat market is growing every year contributing huge amount to the textile industry”, said Shamir Kumar Nandy a professional business Coach from Selangor, Malaysia

5. Selling Movie Character Toys

Another most innovative Ecommerce idea is to sell movie character toys. The idea is extremely popular among the kids who love cherishing the characters. You can opt for Tom and Jerry reboot and the rest of the attractions which can keep the kids engaged for long hours.

6. Making and Selling of Chair Cushions

In the year 2020, you have lots of time to make the best use of your innovative mind. With the best of thought, you can stay ready in the making of the chair seat cushions as a great addition to your sitting arrangement. You can be ready to introduce the ergonomic memory foam to make the latest cushions for the chairs at the table.


It is wise to dive into an online business with the right ideas and systematic calculation. With all the social distancing and financial uncertainties and the rest of the supply chain disruptions, the consumers are trying to things and innovate aptly. They are always thinking of what new they can introduce online to attract consumers’ better interest. Most of the people during the corona time have been suffering due to lack of employment. They are either being paid the half salary amount or had to face permanent expulsion from the job. Thus, people have been thinking of more ways of how to make things lucrative during the time and gain universal appreciation as a form of earning.