Is It Easy to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle?

healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is a comprehensive concept that covers all spheres of human existence, from nutrition and everyday worries to the moral and psychological state of a person.

All its main components are connected by a central attitude: attention to disease prevention and health promotion. You can learn more about healthy living and improve your health to the next level.

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle

The relevance of the topic in our time is due to technological progress, changes in lifestyle, as well as the deterioration of the overall environmental situation. A healthy lifestyle also means having a healthy mindset and believing in the wonders of science and health. Like if you had a strain in your muscle, you would trust in compression wrap benefits and use it rather than waiting for it to get better itself. On the one hand, modern people have a lot of free time and the ability not to limit themselves to food, on the other hand, they lead a sedentary lifestyle, and their increased pace has led to the emergence of numerous stressors.

All this, combined with poor environmental conditions, has an extremely negative impact on the physical and mental health of people. For example, the number of hereditary diseases is growing every year, if in 1956 there were about 700, now there are more than 6,000.

Naturally, this leads to the question of how to maintain people’s health in existing realities. A healthy lifestyle culture is a natural response to this and allows not only to prevent the emergence of acquired diseases but also sometimes to delay the manifestation of hereditary symptoms.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle

Until about the 1970s, special attention was paid to individual hygiene as a measure to promote health and prevent disease. The concept of a healthy lifestyle culture, which appeared a little later, significantly expanded the list of activities that have a positive impact on human life. However, even now it cannot be said that this list has been finalized. Getting proper treatment Authors writing on the topic of a healthy lifestyle highlights its various components, but most of them are considered the main ones:

Balanced diet

It is extremely important to observe a culture of nutrition: it must be balanced and physiologically relevant to the needs of a particular person.

Active lifestyle

A person’s life must be physically active and include special physical exercises (for example, yoga or gymnastics). Of course, taking into account age and physiological characteristics.

  • Personal hygiene
  • Personal and public hygiene rules are mandatory.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

The use of substances and products that are harmful to health even with a single-use can lead to serious disorders in the body.

A clear daily routine

The human model should reflect all aspects of your life: study (work) and sleep, take care of your health and relaxation, fulfill your duties in the family and in your free time, time for self-study (homework), and meet friends.


It should be safe and livable, and people should be informed about the effects of surrounding objects on their health.

This list includes the main activities aimed at promoting health, sufficient to understand what a healthy lifestyle culture is. However, in order to apply them with confidence in practice, let’s dwell on each of them in more detail.

Of course, the composition of an ideal human diet depends on the type of activity, lifestyle, and place of residence, but there are universal tips developed by health organizations:

Animal fat restriction

Animal fats should be no more than 1/3 of the consumed fat. The remaining 2/3 should be unsaturated fats. For example, seafood, nuts, and vegetable oils.

Lower salt intake

When cooking, use iodized salt, try not to exceed the daily standard of 5 grams of salt.

Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible

Strive to increase the proportion of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts in your daily diet. It is from this food that 50-60% of all energy should be obtained.

Fractional nutrition

Take a small amount of food at a time. It is better to eat 5 times a day at a time.

Optimal drinking regimen

Drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day. The most useful non-boiled water, is purified using a filter.

Limit simple carbohydrates

Limit your intake of simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, sugary drinks) to 30-40 g per day.

When switching to a healthy diet, it is strongly recommended to consult a nutritionist who will select and create a diet taking into account the individual needs of the body, and also will not approach this problem with excessive fanaticism. A balanced diet does not mean a complete ban on the so-called “junk” food (sweets, fast food).