Golden Retriever Training Tips

Golden Retriever

One of the most intelligent dogs, easy to train, lover of all,  Enthusiastic with life, not to mention the medium to large body framed with golden furs, all these make up the golden retriever hallmark.  Here is a breed that is hard not to fall in love with unless she refuses to obey your commands or jumping on the furniture. From cultivating the right desired habit to establishing a strong bonding to even saving its life in times of danger,  the importance of training of your golden retriever from a young age cannot be overemphasized. However, roll up your sleeves, gather the treats and toys, and let’s get started with Stephanie Taunton, a professional dog trainer with 20 years of experience. This is because you will need all the patience and time to train this boisterous creature.

Start Training Early

The training of golden retriever starts the day she became part of the family. This breed is proudly one of the most intelligent ones that are easy to train, therefore, training early wouldn’t be much of a problem as they tend to learn faster. If you are yet to make this addition, know that you should only adopt your dog when they are 7-8 weeks old” this is the ideal age that staying independence can be promoted in puppies” Stephanie Taunton. “ it is the best time to develop resiliency and toughness to the new homes and experiences” she adds.

Keep the Training Simple

Training should be according to the age and skills of the dog and puppy training should be kept simple as possible. For instance, the training session should last more than 3-5 mins because the puppy’s brain is still in the developmental stage. Moreover, short commands and words do the trick. Just like you start teaching a toddler how to talk with short words, the same applies to your puppy. For instance, use stands instead of “please stand up”- like this your dog will easily understand.

Teach your Dog Potty Training

Potty training is one of the first lessons your dog should be introduced to. At this stage, owners need to be on the alert as puppies cannot hold their bladder long as compared to old adults. Take the poppy out regularly for potty training. It will sniff or circle the toilet area and if it occurs that it pee or poo, give the puppy some praise and reward. The positive reinforcement of click and praise does the trick. When they excrete at the designated area, praise treats, play and reward them. Hover, in case an accident occurs, never punish her, it is only the early stage and it will get better with time.


“Golden retrievers are not typically aggressive and they are known for their sweet and friendly disposition. However, if you notice your puppy is a bit aggressive, it might have been attacked by a dog, or maltreated by the former owner, or improper socialization,” says Stephanie Taunton. It is very important to get your dog accustomed to the environment, other dogs and animals, smells, colors, sound,  people and let it be surrounded with positivity that will kickstart her to healthy adult life. Socializing your canine will ensure your golden retriever is everything they are known to be!

Training Golden Retriever on Biting

When golden retriever bites, they are playing! As simple as that. However, the pressure of the bite or what they bite can be controlled. Redirect the biting to toys and train them on how to bite softly without pressure.