How to Prevent Pregnancy Failure

Prevent Pregnancy Failure

According to a survey, around ten to fifteen percent of known pregnancies end in failure, and to prevent pregnancy failure, you have to lead a healthy lifestyle. Leading a healthy lifestyle especially before and after pregnancy will help you prevent pregnancy failure to a greater extent although the pregnancy failure that is caused by genetic abnormalities in the fetus cannot be prevented. With the motto that prevention is better than cure in mind, follow the tips below on how to prevent pregnancy failure.

Major Preventive Steps for Pregnancy Failure

Typical preventive steps for pregnancy include taking at least 400 mcg of folic acids a day starting at least a couple of months before pregnancy, taking regular physical exercises, eating a balanced diet, managing stress, keeping weight within the normal limit, restraining from smoking, staying away from second-hand smoking, completely avoiding drinking alcohol, avoiding drugs that are forbidden by law, rules, or custom, do not have more than two cups of coffee or caffeinated beverage a day that has a high amount of caffeine in it, and also making sure that you are keeping yourself up to date on immunizations or the action of making your immune to infection typically by inoculation. You have to take adequate sleep and rest before and during your pregnancy as another major step to prevent pregnancy failure. Keeping weight within the normal limit is a very important step to prevent pregnancy failure – in order to keep your weight in the normal limit, consult with a dietician and a fitness specialist who will guide you and instruct you through the proper diet charts and through the accurate workout regimen for you.

Other Preventive Steps for Pregnancy Failure

There are other steps that should be taken in order to prevent pregnancy failure. Keep your abdomen and abdominal muscles safe all time during your pregnancy. Avoid risky sports like contact sports, skiing, skating, and so on. Always use seat belts while you travel. Avoid radiations and poisons like arsenic, lead, and benzene etcetera. Avoid X-rays and infectious diseases including Covid-19infectious that are environmental hazards. Never take any herbal or over-the-counter medicine without consulting with your healthcare provider. Also, avoid certain foods during pregnancy that can harm your pregnancy like some fishes contain high mercury which is very harmful to pregnancy especially for surrogate mothers including gestacion subrogada.

Treat Your Chronic Diseases before You Get Pregnant

If you have been suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases that are also known as chronic diseases, consult with your healthcare provider in order to treat you properly so that you get cured before you become pregnant. This is important to prevent pregnancy failure.

Manage Stress to Succeed in Your Pregnancy

If you are feeling stress about your new job just before or during your pregnancy, it can lead to pregnancy failure. To prevent this kind of situation, take preventive steps to reduce your stress. Inform your boss that you are going to be pregnant or that you are already pregnant. Observe what your boss replies. If his reply increases your stress, and if you understand that the stress is most likely going to be continued throughout your pregnancy, consider quitting the job. Remember, the life of you and your upcoming child is much more important than your life struggle. The chances of having a new job will come over and over again in your life, but the chance of prevention for pregnancy failure may not come once again ever in your entire lifetime.

Researchers say that almost half of the pregnancies are unplanned when women are not prepared for the positive results of pregnancy. But to prevent pregnancy failure, planned pregnancy is necessary. So, awareness and the aforementioned tips will help you a lot how to prevent pregnancy failure.