What You Need to Know About Accounting Information System

accounting information

An accounting information system is simply a computer-based system for recording, retrieving, analyzing, and reporting various financial transactions which are performed via the use of accounting systems. This helps to maintain a record of all financial transactions as well as report these transactions to the management of the firm. It also helps in making decisions regarding the allocation of resources that have been allotted for different purposes. Most accounting information systems today can be accessed either by a user through a PC or a network-connected PC.

Accounting is an Essential Part of any Business

It enables companies to calculate financial performance and liabilities and take strategic steps to achieve growth. At the same time, it provides information to management about the health of the company’s balance sheet. The accounts department includes many helpful features and guides for UK start-ups and small companies needing guidance on how to manage company accounts. These include how to prepare an account ledger, how to get started with an account, and how to keep up to date with all the changes in accounting practices.

Types of Accounting Information Systems

There are two types of accounting information systems available – those based on the physical process of storing data (the general ledger) and those based on the computerized process of storing and transferring data (financial statement preparation). The general ledger contains general ledger entries (GADs). These include financial transactions for sales, purchases, income, expenses, and net change in financial assets and liabilities. Financial statement preparation generally includes the summary of financial data which includes balance sheet reports, income statements of cash flows along with other accounting reports.

Key Requirement for Accounting Information Systems

A key requirement for accounting information systems is data quality. This means that a good accounting information system should be able to provide reports which are consistent, complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Generally, the reports produced by these systems are prepared on a daily basis i.e. during the day, week or month, and are generated through data processing procedures using a special computer language, called the data processing language (DML).

Advancement of Internet and Online Banking

However, with the advancement of the internet and online banking, it is now possible for individuals to open an online account which is a perfect substitute for traditional banks. Online firms enjoy the benefits of lower costs of maintaining accounts and a wider reach for their customers. In view of these benefits, more accounting firms are moving away from traditional banking services to the online world and this has become a trend in recent years.

The factor that has Forced Firms to Move Away from Traditional Methods

Another factor that has forced firms to move away from traditional methods of data collection and accounting is the shift toward digital information systems. As online banking and other internet-based processes became more popular, the financial reporting process became more efficient and faster. The internet also provides a cost-effective and secure way of collecting and preparing financial statements.

Internal Control and Credit Risk Assessment

The traditional idea of a company’s tax accountant is being replaced by the process accounting information systems degree which involves internal control and credit risk assessment. Instead of reporting numerical information, firms can now report qualitative information about the health of their financial reporting system and its various aspects including internal control measures, controls, policies and procedures, regulatory approvals, and risk assessments. As compared to the traditional accountant job description, the process accounting information systems degree provides a more suitable position for individuals who want to obtain control and supervision over a complex organization’s finances and external control environment. The responsibilities of such positions are usually multidimensional, as they require knowledge in finance, auditing, control, risk management, information security, software applications, and also accounting.

Process Accounting Information Systems

The process accounting information systems degree is particularly useful for those firms or businesses looking to implement an efficient and effective accounting process that meets the requirements of their current and future needs. Such people must possess excellent mathematical aptitude, interpersonal skills, analytical skills, and strong communication skills. Some people may already have a bachelor’s degree in accounting and in case you are interested in this career option you should consider getting an accounting information systems degree. However, if you want to get an MBA this is the ideal time because an increasing number of business schools are now offering courses in this area.


In general, every business must have a proper accounting information system so that all transactions are recorded accurately and processed efficiently. If a business process is not based on the principles of accounting, then it will lead to unprofessional practices, financial losses, and poor employee performance. Students who are interested in studying in this field should carefully evaluate the course options offered by business schools that offer a full text available or an online program that provides all the necessary resources for a sound learning experience.