How do nannies at the nanny’s nest build their relationship with their assigned kids?

nannies relationship

Little kids are curious but shy and extremely skeptical. They’ll stare at you with those big questioning eyes that are really really adorable yet somewhat nerve-wracking and why is that? It’s simple because they don’t trust you. Some kids don’t adapt well to change and that makes it harder for them to trust new things around them and of course people. So when you’re looking for a nanny, you might be worried your kids might not adapt to the idea of having someone new being around them for most of their day or in some cases 24/7. They might not like getting changed, cleaned, or fed by a complete stranger, who they do not know or are familiar with, and leaving them with their nannies, with or without you around them, is a big concern because they might cry, complain and make a fuss about it and anyone in this situation might get irritated and frustrated or quite simply refuse to ever show up and look after them again, and this means you’ll have to restart the daunting task of finding a nanny all over again. Well in that case we’re here for you!

Nanny’s nest is an online platform where you can find nannies and babysitters online. We believe every parent deserves to have someone to lean on while they tackle other tasks and responsibilities without having to worry about their little ones.

The nest nannies way of building a relationship with the kids

Our nannies rank at the top because they never stop! Nannies at the nanny’s nest realize how hard it is for kids to open up to strangers. They’re persistent and don’t give up or get frustrated when the kids are being difficult. They’ve unlocked the strategy of building a relationship with the kids expertly.

Keeping A Cool Demeanor   

Remember the long starting contests a child initiates when they meet you? People get stiff, fidgety, or uneasy when kids do it, and that makes the kids nervous because it then makes them uncomfortable, yes….. that’s how it works. So when the nanny from the nest nannies meet your kids, they remember to stay in a calm and collected stance and meet their challenging eyes, with their calm and welcoming ones, making both of themselves comfortable in each other’s presence. There!  We cracked the code but that’s just the first step, the child still doesn’t know you yet.

Meet And Greets

If you’re a nanny going to meet their kid for the first time, here is a little advice for you by the nannies of nanny’s nest. Don’t do formal greetings with them by the parents.  Introduce yourself to them; not as a nanny but as you would do with an old friend. Telling them that you’re their nanny will make them see you as an authority figure, even though that is what you are; you need the kids to see you as a friend too. Telling them you’re their nanny will alienate them from you and you don’t want that to happen.

And finally…

Ease Yourself To Them

Make it seem like you’re there just to hang out with them. Don’t assert your dominance just yet that will make them fussy and fight back. Have a small talk with them when you’re around and make small comments here and there, be funny. Shower them with compliments, believe us; this trick will work on anyone, it doesn’t matter if it’s a kid or an adult. Compliment them when they’re doing something, ask them to help you, and make them feel appreciated. Say please and thank you. Tell them what they want; kids are simple, they’ll believe you, and just as if to make it a point, exaggerate it, use exclamation and make it dramatic; it’ll give them no room to argue. Don’t say “you look tired”, be a bit more like “oh god! You did so much work today, you’re so tired, let’s go and get a little nap to recharge our energy so we can…….” talk more; they will not have time to protest, make it seem like you were both thinking the same thing.