Teeth By Number: How To Understand The Tooth Numbering Chart

teeth by number

Do you ever look at your child and wonder what she’s going to look like when she grows up? If so, then you’ve probably spent some time looking through her baby pictures and comparing them to current photos of her. But have you ever paid attention to her teeth? As it turns out, there are several things that you can learn about your child based on the teeth by the number she has right now and the way those teeth are positioned in her mouth.

What Is The Tooth Numbering Chart?

The tooth numbering chart is a visual representation of your teeth and their positions in your mouth. The numbering chart makes it easier for you to know what type of dentist you need. There are three types of dentists: Endodontist, Periodontist, and Prosthodontist. An endodontist will deal with teeth that have crowns or cavities with internal damage, a periodontist will deal with gum disease, and a prosthodontist will deal with dental teeth numbers. If you have any of these problems please find an appropriate dentist for your specific case before having any procedures done at all.

Helpful Tips To Remember

If you’re wondering how in the world your dentist knows what tooth is what, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Most people feel more than a little confused when they first visit their dentist and it comes time for them to assign a number to each of their teeth. But there is actually a very simple logic behind tooth numbering and while it can be different from dentist-to-dentist, it usually follows similar patterns. In general, there are three main ways dentists number teeth: systemically, numerically, or descriptively. Systemic numbering is where each tooth on one arch (upper or lower) is assigned a specific number that corresponds with every other tooth on that arch.

The Various Types Of Teeth By Number

The terms anterior and posterior simply refer to positions in your mouth. There is also lingual and labial, which refers to whether or not a tooth can be felt with your tongue or lips; an example would be wisdom teeth. If you see three numbers next to each other (e.g., #10), it means that it is a third molar tooth. A single number just means it’s one of your regular front teeth—but if you get braces, they all start over from one at 0!

Further Reading On Teeth Nomenclature

The dental mouth diagram below shows your teeth’s letters and numbers. However, it doesn’t give you a reason for these designations, so we’ll take a moment to further clarify things.

Here is how we read and refer to teeth from top-to-bottom. Upper Central Incisors (U1), Upper Lateral Incisors (L1), Upper Canines (C1) and Upper First Premolars (P1). Note that only upper teeth appear in capital letters; lower teeth use lower case letters. The numbers directly correspond with each other in a given row. For example, C1 refers to both canines found on either side of the upper arch. Likewise, P1 refers to all first premolars present in both arches. The same applies to teeth located on either side of your bottom jaw; Lower Central Incisors (I2), Lower Lateral Incisors (L2), Lower Canines (C2), and Lower First Premolars (P2). Again, notice that I2 = I3 = I4 = I5 while P2 = P3 = P4 = P5 across both jaws.