Is Your Overbite Normal? Here’s How To Tell

normal overbite

Most people have some degree of an overbite, or the upper teeth extend past the lower ones when the mouth is closed. But if your normal overbite becomes too severe, it can cause issues with chewing, biting, and even breathing that can be detrimental to your health in the long run. So how much of an overbite is normal? Here’s how to tell if yours needs treatment!

Top 3 Signs You Have An Underdeveloped Upper Jaw

Because an underdeveloped upper jaw doesn’t line up with an overgrown lower jaw, that gap becomes evident on your teeth and in between your front teeth. This is one of three top signs you have an underdeveloped upper jaw. Another way to tell you may need a palate expander for adults is if you’re self-conscious about talking or smiling. If your smile seems incomplete or crooked, or if your lips look uneven, it could be because of a malformed upper jaw. If you notice any of these symptoms, see your dentist right away. He or she can determine whether you have an underdeveloped upper jaw by measuring your bite.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of An Underdeveloped Upper Jaw?

There are a few reasons why you may develop an underdeveloped upper jaw. One of them is an overbite and another is genetics. You should know about the tooth numbering system. If you have a family history of underdeveloped jaws, you’re more likely to develop one yourself, but that doesn’t mean that your family members necessarily need or have undergone palate expansion surgery. There can be other factors involved with your own unique situation as well. You should consult with a dentist if you’re concerned about your dental development and discuss your options for a palate expander for adults or other treatments. The best way to tell whether or not you have an underdeveloped upper jaw is by comparing it to others who don’t have a problem.

Treatment For Underdeveloped Upper Jaws

If you have an underdeveloped upper jaw, it can cause crowding and irregular bites. The most common treatment is to wear a plastic device called a palate expander as an adult, but if your overbite is extreme and your jaw appears large, surgery may be necessary. Many adults with mild jaw underdevelopment experience improvement in their bite after wearing a palate expander for about six months, but if you’re still unhappy with your bite after wearing one for 12 weeks or more, talk to your dentist about how best to improve it. For severe cases of underdeveloped jaws that do not respond to a palate expander alone, surgeons will typically use bone grafts from other parts of your body (cadaver bones are commonly used) during multiple operations.

What If My Underbite Won’t Go Away On Its Own?

Even if your overbite is normal, you may still want to get it corrected for a variety of reasons. For one thing, research has shown that facial structures affect how attractive we are perceived as being by other people. In other words, crooked teeth can make us feel less confident and less attractive. Also, many of us don’t like smiling because of our teeth; having a healthy smile can make all the difference in feeling comfortable enough to flash those pearly whites more often. Furthermore, as we age and start losing our teeth (which happens in all but 2% of cases), they’re going to need some work anyway.