Why A-listers Wore Blue Ribbons at BAFTAs: Awards Season Trend

Blue Ribbons at BAFTAs

The British Academy Film Awards or BAFTAs is one of the most prestigious award-giving bodies in the entertainment industry. It recognizes outstanding contributions in film and television both nationally and internationally. However, at the 2023 BAFTAs on Feb 19, something else was recognized aside from talent and artistry. On the red carpet, numerous stars wore blue ribbons bearing the words “#WithRefugees” in solidarity with those who have been displaced, especially amid Russia’s war against Ukraine.

The Blue Ribbon Campaign

The blue ribbons at baftas are part of the #WithRefugees campaign, launched by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in June 2016. The campaign aims to support the development of a global compact on refugees and seeks to amplify the efforts of cities that are creating inclusive communities where everyone can live in safety, become self-reliant, and participate in their local community.

The Purpose of the Blue Ribbon Campaign

To bring attention to the situation of refugees everywhere, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) launched the Blue Ribbon campaign. The purpose of the #WithRefugees movement is to rally public support for refugees and their rights and safety. Millions of people all across the globe have participated in the campaign by wearing blue ribbons and holding events in solidarity with migrants.

The Blue Ribbon Campaign: Why It Is So Crucial

The Blue Ribbon Campaign is a powerful symbol of the persistent global refugee issue. More than 26 million people are registered as refugees by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and many more are internally displaced.

The ad serves as a timely reminder of the power that public personalities and celebrities have to bring attention to pressing social concerns. These celebrities used their visibility to raise awareness about the situation of refugees by wearing blue ribbons and urging their fans to do the same.

Blue Ribbons at BAFTAs: The Importance of Solidarity

Blue Ribbons at BAFTAs The Importance of Solidarity

One of the key messages of the #WithRefugees campaign shows the importance of solidarity. By wearing the blue ribbons, the celebrities at the BAFTA awards ceremony were able to show their solidarity with refugees and send a powerful message of support. This act of solidarity is particularly important given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the displacement of millions of people as a result.

The Entertainment Industry’s Role in Raising Awareness and Inspiring Action

The entertainment industry has the power to raise awareness and inspire action toward social issues. The Blue Ribbons at BAFTAs show that celebrities and influential people in the industry can use their platforms to promote causes and advocate for marginalized groups. The Blue Ribbons at BAFTAs have drawn attention to the Cities #WithRefugees initiative and encouraged more cities and local authorities to sign the statement of solidarity.

Blue Ribbons at BAFTAs: Celebrities Speak Out

Blue Ribbons at BAFTAs Celebrities Speak Out

Celebrities have been vocal about the reason behind wearing the blue ribbon. Jamie Lee Curtis, who wore the ribbon at the BAFTAs, said that her friend Cate Blanchett asked people to remember the refugee crisis going on all over the world in the midst of all the shiny things of the season. Yusra Mardini, a Syrian swimmer who wore the ribbon at the Oscars, said that it’s incredible to see so many artists wear a blue ribbon in solidarity with refugees and displaced people around the world, especially after the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

Cate Blanchett, who wore the blue ribbon at the Oscars, said that whenever she has met refugees, she has been struck by how many things they share in common. For her, wearing the ribbon is a way to draw attention to the connective tissue that binds us

The Importance of Action

While wearing a blue ribbon is a powerful symbol of support, it is important to remember that more needs to be done to support refugees around the world. The #WithRefugees campaign is not just about raising awareness, but also about encouraging action.

There are many ways that people can get involved and support refugees, from volunteering with organizations that provide aid and support to refugees, to advocating for policy changes that help to protect their rights and well-being.


Celebrities are wearing blue ribbons at red-carpet events, including the BAFTAs and Oscars, in support of refugees and displaced people around the world. The ribbon initiative is organized by the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) and is intended to serve as an “emblem of compassion and solidarity” for those forced to flee their homes due to conflict, war, and persecution. Cate Blanchett wore a blue ribbon to the BAFTAs and was joined by other stars such as Bill Nighy, Dolly De Leon, and Edward Berger.

The ribbon highlights the plight of refugees and displaced people, especially after natural disasters such as earthquakes that recently hit Turkey and Syria, killing an estimated 44,000 people and displacing thousands more. The initiative aims to send a “powerful visual message that everyone has the right to seek safety, whoever, wherever, whenever.”

While wearing a blue ribbon is an important gesture, it is important to remember that more needs to be done to support refugees. The #WithRefugees campaign is a call to action, encouraging people to get involved and show their support in meaningful ways.