Sleeplessness During Pregnancy – Reasons and Solutions


Though resting and taking a good sleep is considered very important during pregnancy. However, pregnancy and sleeping will become very hard as your body is undergoing several changes, and physically your body is preparing itself to give birth to a new life.

Though you may feel tired and require more rest in this period, strangely, sleep is something far apart from your eyes. Due to the changing physical conditions, you need to change sleeping positions according to every trimester, and this may not always be very easy for you.

Reasons for Sleeplessness During Pregnancy

You may observe that you are sleeping more in the first trimester as your body may require more energy to cope with the increasing need of the developing baby. Though even this much sleep cannot be called a sound sleep as your growing uterus may build pressure on the bladder, and you may require visiting the washroom numerous times at night.

As the pregnancy progresses, many women complain of not getting a sound sleep. This is mainly due to the fetus’s increasing weight because finding a comfortable position to sleep in gets difficult.

Also, complaints of having frequent vivid dreams during the last stages of pregnancy are reported. This occurs as a reaction to the changing hormones in the body as it prepares itself for birth and can reflect a woman’s fears of coping with her coming life.

Mostly, as your pregnancy progresses, your baby may move and kick when you lay down to sleep at night. This is because, during the day, your movement tends to soothe him to sleep. Also, when you are lying down, the baby gets more room to stretch and kick. At these times, you should free your mind and relax and gently rub your tummy.

Another reason to lose sleep may be because of all the planning you do for the baby, and your mind keeps constantly working on the details. However, you should never take any medicines to sleep as they may have adverse effects on the baby.

Researching on the reason that is resulting in a discomforting sleep may help address the problems. A more practical solution can be achieved by addressing the exact problem rather than changing every habit. It becomes easy to adopt these changes as the pregnancy progresses.

Tips to Get a Good Night’s Sleep During Pregnancy

#Develop a Bedtime Routine

As soon as the symptoms of this trimester fade away, you should try to develop a sleeping pattern in the second three months of pregnancy to make yourself comfortable in the following days. This can be done by setting up a time to sleep and wake up every day, and thus, it becomes a habit and comes on easily later on.

Though it is not a concerning factor on how women lack sound sleep during pregnancy and sleeping, some measures can be taken to reduce the effect of this sleeping disorder on the usual sleeping pattern. Some find it beneficial and may increase the sleeping time by using a pregnancy pillow which provides some support and comfort.

#Use Pregnancy Pillows

Using pillows in different positions may also help in finding a comfortable position to sleep in. Use a pillow under a leg or under your back to release pressure on the abdomen. Also, try not to put pressure on the abdomen while getting up from lying down. Rolling to a side and putting pressure on the arm may help considerably reduce pressure on the abdomen.

#Sleep on Your Left Side

It is suggested by doctors to make it a habit to sleep on the left-hand side, keeping your knees slightly bent. Sleeping on the right side is prohibited as an important vein, the vena cava takes the blood from the body back to the heart. If you sleep on the right hand, it may put pressure on the vein and may result in dizziness due to decreased blood supply.

#Stay Cool & Comfortable

In some cases, pregnant women may experience sweating at night while sleeping. Keeping a damp cloth near you may help so that you can wipe the sweat off with it. Another best way to avoid sweating at night is wearing super breathable cotton maternity nighties. Involving in light exercises or yoga also helps in relaxing so you can easily sleep on after it. Some women may find it soothing to take a shower after a day, or even you may feel relaxed after reading a book.

#Drink Herbal Teas

Herbal teas can also be soothing, especially when you’re showing one of those pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea. Though, they can be taken only after consulting a herbalist who is an expert in the field. The known herbal teas considered safe are lemon balm, rose ship, orange peel, citrus peel, and ginger tea. These herbal teas may be taken in a very slight infusion, and once to twice a day is quite enough. Another soother at night is a warm cup of milk mixed with a bit of honey.

#Avoid Caffeine and Tea

Intake of caffeine in any form should be discouraged, even coffee and tea. Even if they are required to be taken, their intake should not be after the early afternoon. Another sleep killer is the heartburn sensation. Avoid large meals just before sleeping and opt for small meals at intervals throughout the day.

#Take Short Naps

If you still feel you are not getting enough sleep, try to take short naps whenever you get the chance to overcome the sleep deficiency you are facing. Whenever you feel you cannot sleep, try to get your mind off by relaxing in any way appropriate for you. As you know by now, pregnancy and sleep is a more challenging task than you could imagine.

A Quick Checklist to Get a Good Night’s Sleep During Pregnancy

To sum up, here is a quick checklist to ensure a restful night’s sleep when you’re pregnant:

  • Develop a bedtime routine
  • Sleep on your left side
  • Use pregnancy pillows
  • Stay cool & comfortable
  • Drink herbal teas
  • Avoid caffeine and tea
  • Take short naps

Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to sleep peacefully during pregnancy!