Tips To Help With Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain physical therapy

One day you bend over to pick up something a bit heavy, but twist a bit wrong and feel a sharp pain in your lower back, as if someone stabbed you with a knife! By the time you go to bed that night, it has become an incessant throbbing that just won’t go away, and you can’t find a comfortable position to allow you to sleep. Lower back pain is one of the most common maladies we humans suffer from. The solution for pain is Physical Therapy for back pain.

The lower back supports the weight of the entire upper body, making it subject to a lot of strain and stress, and even everyday movements like lifting and twisting can set it off. Several factors contribute to it, the wear and tear that happens as we age, a wrong move when performing a physical activity, and other health conditions like arthritis can all make your lower back hurt and you miserable. Fortunately, some things can be done to alleviate your present pain and prevent it from happening again!

Here Are Some Tips for Reduce Lower Back Pain

Physical Therapy

If you have an existing condition, don’t sit and suffer, there is help available in the form of physical therapy for back pain that can make an immediate difference and set you on course for recovery. Your therapist will help you do healing stretches and teach you physiotherapy exercises that you can do on your own at home to alleviate, and eventually eradicate your pain.

Correct Posture

It’s important to maintain correct posture when you are engaged in physical activities, doing so will protect your lower back from becoming injured. This is especially important if you are playing sports or working in a job that requires repetitive movements. Your mother might have told you not to slouch, but it turns out she was right, slouching leads to physical therapy for back pain, while keeping your spine erect will help you avoid it. Make sure to bend and straighten with your knees when you are lifting an object, don’t bend over at the waist.

If you need to twist from side to side, do so from the hips, not the lower back. You also need to maintain correct posture while you are sitting. If you are one of the millions of people who work at a desk, you are already at risk of a lower back injury! Be sure to keep your feet planted on the floor and sit in a chair that provides support for your lower back. Don’t hunch over your computer screen, and avoid reaching out far in front of you when using your keyboard and mouse.

Healthy Weight

Nobody likes carrying around those extra kilos, especially considering they put you at risk for more serious health problems. If you are overweight it increases the strain on your lower back. If you are middle-aged or older, the ill effects of obesity can be expected to increase. Consult with your physician about implementing a proper diet and exercise plan to help you keep your weight at a healthy level, your lower back will thank you for it!

Stretch Out

Your muscles get tight when you are under stress, and that can lead to acute and chronic lower back pain. To prevent that from happening you can perform a variety of simple stretching exercises like the following:

  • Spinal Twist – Lie flat on your back. Stretch your arms out in a ‘T’ position while bending one knee. Twist in the direction of the straight leg and gently attempt to touch your knee to the floor.
  • Superman – Lie on your stomach. Stretch your arms out in front of you while lifting your chest and legs off of the floor. Fly around the room (just kidding!)
  • Knee Pull – Lie flat on your back. Pull your knees up to your chest and hold them for a three-count. Repeat several times.

All of these stretches can be performed in bed before you get up or before going to sleep!

Stay Active – When you are suffering from lower back pain it’s tempting to just stay in bed, find the most comfortable possible, and not move. That is actually the worst thing you can do, it is much better to get up, move around, and stretch, your lower back muscles will heal much faster from the gentle stimulation. You should still avoid strenuous activities and never push yourself too hard, that can just make the injury worse. Do your stretching exercises, and take walks, or even better, go for a swim!

Massage – A professional massage is an excellent way to lengthen muscles that have been shortened by tension and injury. Talk about your lower back pain with your masseuse, they will have techniques that can provide relief and promote healing!


The National Institute of Health of Thailand has more information regarding massage and back pain.

We hope that these tips contribute to your relief, but if your lower back pain worsens or persists, it’s crucial to seek guidance from your physician for personalized care and treatment.