Should You Change Your Health Insurance Policy?

health insurance

Right now, you might have subscribed to a health insurance policy and you regretted this decision. You wish to turn back the hands of time to the day when you bought that policy. You wouldn’t have signed that policy if you had known otherwise. Yes, the deed has been done already. However, you have the option of changing your policy to a new one that will meet your needs.

We have all bought products that didn’t satisfy our needs and returned them. Web designer Randon Morris points out that changing your policy is like changing a product you don’t like. You simply exchange it for a new one. Randon Morris is a business owner and a business consultant with a wealth of experience.

Randon Morris notes that:

  • The current insurance firm must wait to confirm the client’s new policy before canceling his present policy. The client may also specifically request to cancel his current health insurance policy.
  • The client should contact the insurance firm he wants to purchase his new policy from. He should do so within one month and 15 days before his current policy expires.
  • The government allows people to change to a new health insurance policy to protect their interests.
  • You can only change your policy or insurance firm at the time of policy renewal.

Changing Your Health Insurance Policy

A health insurance client has the right to change his policy. If he meets the requirements for changing a policy, the insurance firm should not deny him. He can even change the policies of people under his plan to new policies. When a change of health insurance occurs, the policy owner can transfer pre-existing credits to the new policy.

To change your policy, talk to the new insurance company within the stipulated time as stated above.

Why you should change your health insurance policy

  • Poor Services: Change the policy when you are not satisfied with the services provided by your current insurance firm. If you feel your existing claims and policy are not good enough, it’s time to find a good one. Who knows, when you change to a new one, you might get more benefits from the new plan.
  • Dishonest Practices from Your Current Health Insurance Firm: If you notice that your current insurance firm is not transparent when dealing with clients, change your policy. Otherwise, you might end up being trapped in policy clauses that are not beneficial to you.
  • Your Current Insurer Offers You Less Insurance Benefits: You might discover that the benefits offered by your current firm are less than other insurance firms. Other insurance firms may offer more discounts to clients, have cheaper charges, and wider coverages.

Factors to Consider Before Changing Your Policy

  • Check Your Existing Policy: Have you been using your present policy for a decade or more? If so, it might be possible that your insurance charges may not be as much as new policies.
  • Future Requirements: Put your future requirements into consideration. Is it possible to need more coverage and benefits in the future? If so, find a policy that will cover these requirements.

Pros of Changing Your Policy

  • Reduced Costs: Changing to a new policy may reduce your expenses. Some firms give wide coverage at an affordable rate.
  • The New Policy Suits Your Needs: The new insurance gives you more benefits and covers a lot of healthcare liabilities. You might also discover that the policy is exactly what you need in your situation.
  • No Need for waiting Period Reservations: When you change your policy, maintain the same coverage level. This way, you won’t have to make waiting period reservations.

Cons of Changing Your Policy

  • Complete Your Waiting Periods: You need to complete your wait period for new policies that are much higher than the current one. The wait period time is written on the insurance plan document given to you by your current firm.
  • Loss of Existing Benefits: You might be subscribed to an old policy that has lots of benefits. When you change to a new insurance firm, the firm might have upgraded the plan to exclude those benefits. Hence, you will end up losing the benefits you have been previously enjoying. In addition, the new insurance firm may not give you the right to choose the healthcare worker you want.
  • Loss of Access to Old Healthcare Provider: While your old insurance firm provided poor services, they might have used excellent healthcare providers. Your new insurance firm may provide good services, yet use providers that are not as good as your old one. At the end of the day, you end up losing the services of good medical personnel.


Randon Morris advises people to carefully access the new policy or insurance firm they wish to change to. Otherwise, the new policy or insurance firm may offer fewer benefits than the old policy or firm. Furthermore, check if your new health insurance policy uses a healthcare provider that is competent in his job. Ask the insurance firm if it’s possible to change the provider if you’re not satisfied with the provider’s services.