Start a News Portal Earning Lakhs of Rupees Like This

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How to start a news portal- If you want to start a news portal, then in today’s post we will tell you that news portal, How to start. What is its process? How much money will it take to start a news portal and what should be the qualification? How and where does news portal registration happen. You will get complete information about this. How to start a news website in India. Let us know how you can start a news portal or news website in an easy way.

What is News Portal

News Portal comes under Digital Media. On this, we read or watch news or news by visiting any news website with the help of the internet and smartphone or computer. The news portal itself is called a web portal or web media or online media or digital media. A news portal is also called a news website. Along with this, it is also called New Media. It is internet-based media. Like is the news portal of Amar Ujala.

Career Scope of News Portal in India

The news portal is growing very fast as a new media. Ever since smartphones have come into the hands of the youth, the trend of news portals has increased rapidly. The reason for this is that people now read and watch the news on their phones. Reading and watching the news on mobile is also much more convenient than newspapers and TV.

You can watch the news on TV only when you are at home. For this, you have to take out time for this special. In the same newspaper also you may have some timing problems. But there is no problem of any kind of time on the news portal or news website. You can read the news on it whenever you get time.

Along with this, a newspaper or TV channel is an expensive resource than a news portal. At the same time, the internet is always there on everyone’s smartphone. You do not need to invest extra money for this. Its special thing is that you would get instant news on the web portal, which is possible to some extent on TV.

But one-day-old news comes in the same newspaper. Today’s news will come in the newspaper tomorrow. In this era of the information revolution, people are not used to waiting. People immediately see or hear any incident on mobile. That’s why people are liking the news portal.

Today the whole world has become digital. For this reason, the scope of Digital Media i.e. news portals is increasing rapidly. In today’s time, people read very few newspapers as compared to earlier and also watch less news on TV. The reason for this is Digital Media itself. Due to which the future of newspapers i.e. Print Media is also looking bleak.

How to Make a Career in Web Journalism

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how to make a career in online media

In the coming times, only digital media will rule the world. You can guess from this that all the news channels and newspapers in today’s time have all started their own portals. So if you want to make a Media Me Career then Digital Media is the best opportunity for you (News Portal).

How to Start News Portal 

To start a news portal, you must first decide the name of your portal. Under what name do you want to run a news portal or news website? After this, you have to buy a domain name. If you do not know what a domain name is, then first we tell you about it.

A domain name is a web address of your website with the help of which people reading news come to your portal or website. For example, is the domain name of the news portal of Amar Ujala. When you type this domain name in Google or any other search engine, then you will reach its site. From where you can read the news. Similarly, you should also buy a domain name first.

You can buy domain names from Godaddy, Hostinger, Bigrock, Namecheap, or other domain name selling companies. Its price ranges between Rs 800 to 1000 thousand. You have to renew it every year. The renewal charge is also the same or more than that.

Now after this, if you want, you can create your website on Blogger. This saves you the rest of your expenses. You can start a news portal in just one thousand. If you don’t know how to make it, you will have to make someone do it. Whose price is between 2 thousand to 5 thousand?

The advantage of creating a news portal on Blogger is that here you get hosting for free. You do not have to pay any charge for this. Due to freebies, there are some limitations too. Because of which your news portal will have trouble growing.

If you want to run a news portal in a professional way, then the best way for you is to buy good hosting and then create a news portal on WordPress. In the beginning, do not buy a more expensive hosting plan. You are just starting out, you do not know anything about it, so first you buy shared hosting. If you do not know what hosting is and where to buy hosting, then in the next post we will also tell you this. From where you can buy web hosting cheaply from a good company.

The cost of hosting ranges from 1500 to 3 thousand per year. It also has to be renewed a day or two before the completion of one year. For which you have to pay the renewal charge.

After purchasing hosting, get your website built on WordPress from a web developer. The charge for creating a website can be between 2 thousand to 5 thousand. In this way, you can make a news portal earning between 5 to 10 thousand rupees per month. The advantage of building a website on WordPress is that many SEO plugins are available here. With the help of which we can rank the news portal very soon. Which is not possible in blogger.

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Do you also work hard on your news website and you do not get any special benefit. The news portal is also a business. So you have to invest a little in it. Hostinger is a very good hosting company. From here you can buy hosting for 1200 or less. This is a very good and reliable company. You who are reading this my website. On this too I use Hostinger’s hosting.

You will find many such web developers who will charge only for hosting and website building in 2 to 5 thousand. Therefore, my advice to you would be that you should not take the hosting of these web designers. Very cheap and cheap hosting. Due to this, you will only suffer loss instead of profit. You are new in this field now. That’s why you do not know the importance of hosting. If you use the hosting of a good company, then there will never be any problem with your site. It also affects the ranking of the site.

Hope you have got all the information about this on the news portal Kaise banaye. Once again understand. Let us now give you some other important information related to it.

Eligibility to Run a News Portal

See news portal is a form of journalism. That’s why journalism is a very responsible job. To run a news portal, the candidate must have passed at least 12th. Apart from this, you also know how to write news. If you have done a course related to Mass Communication and Journalism, then you will have a good understanding of journalism and you must also know how to write news. Along with this, you must also know the rules and regulations.

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How to make a career in print media

Even if you have not done a course related to journalism, then practice writing news. Read the news written in all the news portals and newspapers and understand how these people write news. In the beginning, you will have trouble, but gradually you will get practice. Then you will start writing news very easily and quickly.

Where to Get the News for Posting on the News Portal?

You have two methods for this. One is asana and very popular. Most news portals adopt this method. This way is that you go to the website or portal of any major TV news channel. Pick up the news from here and copy it. After this, edit it, that is, you can rewrite it according to you. Now you can put this news on your portal. You will not have any problem with this.

If you copy and post directly on your website, then you will have copyright problems. Along with this, if you put copied content then your site will not rank. How to earn when the site is not ranked. In the next post, we will also tell you how you will be able to earn well from the news portal.

Another way to get news is that you appoint your own reporter. Then you can post that news on your portal.

How to Run News Portal 

Now this question must be coming to your mind that we have got the news portal designed. But how do we run it? For this let us tell you that in today’s time you will find many videos on YouTube. Your search on YouTube how to post on WordPress. You will learn to operate the news portal very easily.

RNI Registration for Online News Portal

Now this question must be coming to your mind that from where to register the news portal. Many people also tell about this that it should be registered with RBI. But let us tell you that those people who talk about getting a news portal here, these people are absolutely wrong. There is no registration of a news portal in RNI. The full form of RNI is the Register of Newspapers i.e.only newspapers are registered here.

I know this very well because I have also done journalism courses and have also worked in many newspapers. Newspapers come under the print media whose registration is done in RNI. Whereas the news portal comes under digital media. Therefore it is not registered in RNI.

News Portal Registration

You must have also seen many videos regarding the registration of the news portal. Many people will say that if you get the registration done from our organization then this registration is not valid. Your money will be wasted. Let us tell you that the government has not made any rules regarding the registration of news portals, nor is it registered anywhere.

Recently, the government has started an exercise to regulate e-papers and digital news. It will work under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB).

So you don’t need to get confused. You can run a news portal without any problem and without registration. When there is no provision for its registration so far, then where will it be done?

Another way of registration is that you can register your portal as an industry for free by visiting the site of Udyog Aadhar. From there you get the registration certificate.

Now this question must be coming to your mind whether we can issue reporter cards for reporters of the news portal. Newspapers and news channels have the right to issue press cards, but you should make a membership card for your reporter. Along with this, you must write all your guidelines on it. So that people work according to that guidelines.

How to Earn Money from News Portal 

You can earn money from your news website in many ways. The first method is very easy and everyone adopts this method, which is Adsense. Get your site approved on Adsense. After this, you earn by placing AdSense ads.

Another way is that you can place advertisements for schools, hospitals, shops, etc. near you. From which you can earn a lot.

The third way is that you can also earn through sponsorship.

The fourth way is that you can also cover paid news. Such as shop opening, hospital opening, school, etc.

The fifth way is that you can also earn from Amazon, Flipkart’s affiliate program. You can apply all these methods simultaneously on your portal.

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